Wednesday 28 March 2007

Hobart Cupcakes (for Ness)

Cupcake from Sugo that we ate on the day of mama's graduation

My 22nd Birthday cake (you can so grow older without growing up!)

My darling best friend and inspiration, Ness, is living in the UK at the moment and sent me photos overnight of cupcakes from London. Ness and I have fairly similar weaknesses: shoes, pretty floaty garments, jewelry, and cupcakes. It is all making me so desirous of moving to London to be somewhere where there are all those things in abundance (somehow, London has now become a symbol of pretty things to me - perhaps I'm wrong about that?).

Anyway, in a haze of technological illiteracy, I couldn't figure out how to compress these photos so as to send them to Ness without causing her inbox to crash. So, to share them with her, I'm putting them up here - all for you Nessie xx

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooh lovely lovely cupcakes ... all for me??? I am so touched!! They are so beautiful. You must come to London and we will sample the delights (shoes, cupcakes, Oh! You Pretty Things!) together! Love you so much babe xxx